Saturday, July 30, 2011


Scalloping is such a fun thing to do with kids!  I like to describe it as an underwater Easter egg hunt.  We usually go every summer.  Here is what you need for a good time scalloping:
1)  Check the reports online and find out where to go!  Scallops like to hang out just north of where a river meets the gulf. 
2)  Round up your equipment: snorkels- check!  masks- check!  flippers- check!  shell bag and 5 gallon bucket- check!  dive flag- check!  fishing license- DOH! (had to renew mine at the last minute online!) 

 3)  Find the spot and start finding them!  Usually the water is pretty shallow when we scallop which makes it fun for everyone, even the kids, but it still helps to have snorkel equipment.  You can find them just hanging out in the grass and sandy areas out in the bay.  

4)  Head back in and find a shady spot to shuck!  We usually sit under a tree back at home, and have some cold drinks to help us along.  Shuckin' tips:  Dark side up, use a grapefruit spoon, sometimes ice makes them pop open, but sometimes just keeping them in their own water works better.  
 5)  Cook em up!  I dip them in egg and put them in a baggie full of panko breadcrumbs and shake it all about!  I put a little oil in a pan and fry them for about 3 minutes on each side until they are brown.  At the last minute, I pour 2 tablespoons of Rose's lime juice and a pat of butter in the pan and let it sizzle.  Serve over pasta or yellow corn grits.  Mmmmm!  
Are you ready to try scalloping?

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Marguerite said...

Nice blog! These sound great and I'd love to try scalloping! I'm over from the SSS hop and I'm your newest follower. Hope you'll stop by and follow me back!

Unknown said...

here from the stalker hop to say hi. this looks like a fun way to spend some time with the kiddos!

Karin @Mommy's Paradise said...

I love to do scalloping. We used to live on a remote island and often we spent hours during low tide to look for 'tolouy' (no idea about the English name). Super fun when you do with your friends and cook them for dinner afterwards.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a lot of fun! Great underwater shots!

Dana K said...

YUM! That sounds awesome! I used to do a lot of crabbing...which is a much lazier activity lol. I also just found my old casting net which I haven't used in years. I wish I lived closer to the ocean right now!

How does having the dark side up help? (I've never shucked anything but an oyster & never a raw one)

found you through Sunday Funday

ReadyOrNot said...

Dana, I think catching scallops is easier than crabbing. When you are shucking them and put the dark side down, the meat all tears to bits and you are left with nothing. There is definitely a technique to it : )

Good Girl Gone Green said...

Looks like fun activity!

grammy and papi said...

LOVE scallops, but never have been scalloping. I'm sure they taste GREAT!! Thanks for sharing

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