Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ringin' in 2011

Back in "the day" I loved to spend New Year's Eve out, staying well past midnight, drinking champagne and watching fireworks, as well as New Year's Day hung over and tired (well I didn't love that part of it). Anyway, now that I am a bit older and a mom to a 7 year old things have changed. We started off the night at early at a bonfire at a friend's house. Even though I wasn't much in the mood for partying, I remembered how much I loved running around with the other kids at parties when I was my daughter's age, and really wanted her to have that too. The kids started out playing this game called "Band Hero" upstairs on a big screen and the adults were out by the bonfire and the treat table. One by one, the adults began disappearing and not coming back, until there were about 2 of us left by the fire. We wandered upstairs only to see that the kids had been kicked out of the band and the grown ups were all playing. I watched for a little while, and then the next thing I know I grabbed the microphone and was rockin'! Not sure what came over me, but I totally got sucked into the band. Not long after that I decided it was time to head home and we rolled in the New Year looking through my daughter's new telescope and drinking hot chocolate. Not a bad way to end the year!

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