Monday, October 11, 2010

toys that rock

A few weeks ago my daughter and I visited the Legoland store. I was shocked to see that they are charging upwards of 30 dollars for these kits. I felt like that is a pretty steep price to pay for something especially if you are not sure if it will end up sitting in the closet and not being played with. My daughter and her friend played out front (with the free Legos) for at least a half an hour before I finally dragged them away, but they have never had Legos of their own to play with. So, this weekend I was out yard-sale-ing and found an entire tub of the things for $3.00. Well, it was a beautiful day outside, but we spent hours sitting around the dining room table sorting and trying to build something out of the Legos. My mom tried to tell us that it would be best to save them for a rainy day, but my dad suggested he spray the hose at the window so they could just keep playing. Here they are at the table with the Legos. I am not sure who is having more fun: my daughter or my dad. What do you think?

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