I remember back when I was a kid, I had my own record player. I would play Disney tunes or my dad's old albums like Ohio Express (he never let me play the good ones like Jimmy Hendrix or Led Zepplin). Another thing I loved to play on my record player were these story records. The record came inside of a little storybook, and you played the record and read along. Whenever a little bell would ring, you knew it was time to turn the page.

When I got a bit older and was driving a long way to work everyday, I discovered books on tape. There was no bell to tell you to turn the page, most were abridged so it wouldn't matter even if I did try to read along with it, but they were very entertaining for me and helped the boring drive pass quickly.

The other day when I was browsing through the library with my daughter, I noticed something called a "book in a box". Inside the box was a CD and a book to go with it. I was so excited to see these and checked a few out. She loves to be read to, but I always feel like she needs to read more on her own. I think that these "b in b's" are the perfect compromise!
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