Saturday, January 1, 2011

Resolutions, Lotion and Screen time

Welcome 2011! My daughter and I are ready for you! I am not one to make resolutions that I will only break in a month. I like to make resolutions that are easy to keep. So today, my daughter and I sat down and made our lists and here they are:
1) Go to Disney more
2) Cook with my mom more
3) Have more fun with my mom
4) Take better care of the garden
5) Learn more
1) To have more fun with my daughter
2) To take better care of myself, and remembering to do the small things, such as putting lotion on after a shower (how did my legs get so dry?!), taking my allergy medication and putting on make-up on in the morning. Basically just not doing things like remembering my daughter's lunch for school, or swimsuit for the pool and forgetting my own!
3) To manage my money and budget better by using
4) To limit my screen time. Yes, I know this is something you are supposed to do for toddlers, but lately it feels as if I am constantly either watching TV or playing around on the computer. It is definitely time to rein it in and pay attention to real life more!

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