Even though we can't measure the passing of the months here in Florida by the seasons of winter, spring, summer and fall; we do have different sort of seasons. We have lovebug season, when you can't walk anywhere without ingesting one of these small black bugs. We have snowbird season, when the northerners come down for a visit and test our driving skills by not using their blinkers, and driving slowly in all of the left lanes. We have a season in the summer where you stay inside, unless there has just been a thundershower, because it is just too hot. And we have pollen season. During pollen season, it looks absolutely beautiful outside, but do not be deceived. Even if you do not have allergies, you can find yourself sneezing and itching your eyes. Since I have allergies and asthma, I have to be extra vigilant in the pollen war. After I have been outside, I have to wash my face, hair and squirt out my nose with this big horrible squirter. Hot. I also had to break down and turn on the air conditioner, even though it is really nice outside. The good thing is, as all Floridians know, as soon as it rains, all the pollen washes down from the trees, and it then is OK to go out again. So, for now, I will be sitting on my couch in the air conditioning watching the Real Housewives re-runs, and waiting for the rain so I can go outside again!
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