As I was driving my daughter to school this morning, we heard a report on the radio that the Florida legislature was trying to ban use of the word uterus.
Here is the story. They said that Democrats are wearing pink "uterus buttons" today as protest. Someone called in to say that they should get serious up there in Tallahassee, balance the budget, pay the educators and policemen and knock it off. I agree, because I don't want to have any more conversations about uteruses (uteri?) first thing in the morning.
Daughter- "what is a uterus?"
Me: Hmmm.
I thought for a minute and then said "It is where a baby grows and you even have one on your insides!" She said that she likes the word, and repeated it several times. At this point we were almost up to the drop off point in front of the school and I started thinking that maybe I should not send her in to her classroom saying "Uterus, uterus, uterus!" I can just imagine the phone call from the school I am going to get for this one.

Here are the buttons they wore on the house floor. Incidentally the buttons have been banned too!
See here.
I am very much in favor of keeping the word uterus. I wonder where I can get one of those buttons...
Thanks so much for linking to that story. I'd been wondering why people had been shouting uterus! in my Twitter stream.
Also, thanks for using our link up!
This issue reminds me of a part of The Vagina Monologues. I'm also in favor of the uterus.
Love the design and colors you've got going here.
I love mine and I'm not giving it up to please the Republicans. ;-)
I will be able to think of NOTHING else all day! Happy Uterus!
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